Thursday, April 2, 2009

3000 Miles to Graceland

I've reviewed some great movies, and I've reviewed some terrible movies, but now I will review a film that is just plain fun. 3000 Miles to Graceland is just that movie. One reviewer described it as "Crap, but good Crap". It follows the story of a group of thieves who rob a casino. But to make things interesting (and a little humorous) They decide to rob it on a night dedicated to Elvis impersonators. In one of the coolest scenes in the movie the robbers storm into the vault then fight their way out through the main casino floor dressed as Elvis. This scene was especially funny, because one of the robbers was black. During the process of the shooting the 4 manage to hold off the entire security staff and escape on a helicopter. Soon afterwards they begin to divide the money and Kevin Kostner's character, Murphy, betrays the rest of them and steals the cash. Any heist movie needs some sort of "good" bad guy. Kurt Russel's character Zane survives and decides and through a twist of fate makes it back to the hotel where the money was left, before Murphy can get there. He is forced to take along Courtney Cox's character Cybil and her son along to Canada where he will escape the law hunting him. Eventually and predictably there is a big gunfight, and three criminals aiding Murphy manage to hold off 20-30 SWAT, and assorted other police. In a predictable manner the SWAT team takes heavy casualties, and an amazingly staged gunfight unfolds, that will make you go "Wow this movie wasn't that bad". AS an added bonus you get to see rapper Ice T hang by a rope on his ankles fly over the swat teams mowing them down with 2 UZIs! While this adds nothing to the movies significance, it just looks cool. As for the characters, Kurt Russel plays a down to Earth decent criminal, who tries really hard not to kill anyone (and succeeds). While Koster's on the other hand is the exact opposite. He kills without mercy and comes back for more. He is a true bad ass, and a crazy SOB. At one point him and a police officer have a disagreement, and they decide to have a western style draw and shoot, complete with a split second slow motion bullets. All in all the film has no literary merit whatsoever, but if your looking to see a lot of people die, and stuff blow up, this is definitely the movie for you.


  1. I loved this film. I don't remember it well enough to comment, but I thought this film was great stuff. I thought it was high time Costner played a villain. I hate him already, better to play the role. Anyway, thenks for reminding me of this one. I'm gonna rent it again.

  2. I wish that I had already seen this film but sadly I have not so I cannot comment on it but it sounds like a pretty awesome movie, and I'll try renting it soon.
