Thursday, April 23, 2009

Schindler's List Part 2

Given the little amount of time I had to write my last review I did not get an opportunity to touch on some of the finer aspects of why this is just a powerful and awesome movie. The acting is amazing, and the cinematography is unparalleled. Spielberg takes what could have been a long and boring historical story and turns it into pure magic. Even though most of those killed in the movie are not given names the audience cringes each time a prisoner is shot in cold blood. Some of the more graphic scenes come close to depicting the true horror of the holocaust. Jews are treated as animals and herded into hot boxcars, ferrying them to their deaths. Scenes where prisoners are stripped make you feel disgusted with humanity, and those who committed these atrocities. As I have said before the acting is amazing. Liam Neeson is astounding. His quest to save as many people as possible is unforgettable. Although he has saved so many lives, and done so much good he still cries that he could not save more people. In the middle of the film a religious service is held where the only color is the fire from the candles. It is possible that these fires are meant to represent the goodness of Schindler in a world gone mad. No good hero is without his counterpart. The antagonist of the film is the unforgettable Amon Goeth played by Ralph Fiennes. For every ounce of goodness contained in Schindler, Goeth has an ounce of evil. The concentration camp he runs sits under his giant mansion where he holds lavish parties. If this is not enough to dishearten the prisoners, Goeth will occasionally stand on his balcony and shoot prisoners. Later on in the film when one prisoner tries to escape, he gathers all the men in the prisoners barracks, and shoots 20 of them. True irony lies in that despite his murderous rampages, he is instrumental in Schindlers plan. When orders form higher up say to "liquidate" the prisoners, Goeth takes a bribe from Schindler and thus keeping the prisoners alive. Had he not been such an immoral person, he would have refused the offer and sealed the fates of the prisoners. I've basically run the train on praise for this movie. Now it is time to review the negative aspects. None. The end.

1 comment:

  1. Nicely written with cogent analysis. I might watch this film again. It's been a while. But, the subject is rather grim. One needs to steel oneself so.
